Kiba Co.
Baby Blue Sakura Bandana
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Blue Asanoha Martingale Collar
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Cambodian Batik Bandana
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Cream Asanoha Martingale Collar
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Gold & Pink Cherry Blossom Martingale Collar
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Japanese Blue Asanoha Bandana
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Japanese Flowers Bandana
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Navy Blue & Turquoise Chrysanthemum Clip-On Collar
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Orange & Cream Chinese Garden Clip-On
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Pink Cherry Blossom (Sakura) Bandana
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Red Asanoha Martingale Collar
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Shades Of Champagne Gold And Pink Fireworks Clip-on Collar
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Shades Of Champagne Gold And Pink Fireworks Martingale Collar
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
Turquoise Oriental Clip-On Collar
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..
White Swallow with Pink Background Bandana
Handsewn with high quality fabric sourced from Japan. Brand: Kiba Co. Brand Profile: Kiba C..